in the ancient temple
a curtain separates the common worshippers
from the holy of holies
the curtain is blue
and has the following words embroidered on it:
"a problem has been detected
and windows has been shut down
to prevent damage to your computer"
anyone trying to get past it
to experience reality directly
without leaving their ego behind
comes up against a blue screen
and is forced to restart their life
a specific error message
acts as a guardian of the veil
bsods are caused by holding onto an illusion
the os version of reality
contains a faulty dialogue
binary thinking errors
and bad memory preventing self-realisation
a soul may be lost because
users are not given the chance
to save it before a crash
the temple displays an error message
a notification that the lost word document
cannot be recovered
divine love has been disabled
24-hour windows 98 support
is not the same as timeless reality
move past bill gates
to the altar and the sanctuary
windows server 2000
millennial kingdom
millennium bug
the final present fault 0c stack
2012 invalid task state segment fault
colours twisted in cunning work
upon the four plug sockets of silver
the four corners of the computer screen
event viewer here
event log there
error of a computer like no other
I am that I am
was heard from outside the chapter room
we were reading the words of the holy user agreement
three sojourners looking to debug the memory dumps
and escape the cycle of rebooting
the veil is an obstruction
but also an entrance
cherubim with flaming swords form a firewall
guardian angels can guard you
or guard against you
the role of the excellent master
is to perform a web search
to try to fix the problem
a four-veil ceremony
parameter 1
parameter 2
parameter 3
parameter 4
blue purple scarlet and white error codes
if an application crashes
it will have to restart the process
in the late 18th century
try booting in safe mode
water poured on the dry land and the keyboard
the blood of the suffering server
the candidate with a computer cable around his waist
now hear the words "holiness of the hardware problems"
the bible is debugged
you can get more information about the crash
and save it to the relevant bit of scripture
when logged in
as ‘mark master’ ‘excellent master' or 'administrator'
oh lord save our data
install truth — this may be it
on a computer
on a sunday evening
in the late 18th century
there is no real difference between
ancient and modern bsods
open the action centres
check for solutions
awaken the motherboard
it opens up the windows kernel
scans the device for malware
and purifies the user
at the moment of ideath
the screen is cracked from top to bottom
the glass veil of the word processor smashes
to reveal the knowledge behind the error message
the truth of religion is revealed
only when religion is destroyed
the truth of the self is revealed
only when the self is destroyed
if this is the first time you have seen this stop error screen
restart your computer
if this screen appears again
follow the steps...